
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Our Nanna

Today is my Nanna's funeral. Its a sad day for many reasons, one of which I was unable to attend. Yesterday I wrote a Speech for my Nanna that I would have delivered myself had I been there in person. I asked my mum to have someone read it for me. Nick, my cousin Leanne's fiance read it for me and I am told he was really great. I am very grateful that he was able to do that for me.

Here is the speech I put together for my Nanna:

Our Nanna
I am going to refer to Nanna as ‘Our Nanna’ – she has so many grandchildren that loved her dearly and will continue to think of her often. I am deeply saddened that I cannot be there in person to stand up and deliver this, but please know that I am thinking of you all often, especially today.

Our Nanna was a beautiful lady; she was our Queen, the structure behind the beautiful family that sits here today. Take a look around, our grandparents created this, but most of all she orchestrated it into a family that she could not be more proud of; and she was always so willing to take a step back and watch us grow.

Our Nanna was one of the most amazing women I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I did not always understand her, but I knew she came with a heart of gold. More importantly she was supportive. She supported all of our decisions, and she always wanted the best for us. I hope that we have all learned that from her, to love our families unconditionally, to look for the best in situations and circumstances that are not always ideal and to laugh and dance in the days of sadness.

When I think about our Nanna, I remember laughter, she laughed and laughed and joined in whatever we would be doing at our family gatherings. I believe those were her favorite times, Sunday lunches, Holiday gatherings, Christenings and Weddings. She loved to celebrate, and more importantly loved her family all together.  So although this is a sad day for each of us as we say our goodbyes, know that her family being together was a happy occasion for her.

I consider our Nanna to be a humble lady, she didn’t require the attention to be on her in life; and now in death she would not want the focus to be on sadness; but on the happiness that we all have in our lives. So take another look around and see what she had to smile about. The most beautiful family that could exist, imperfections and all. She would want us to appreciate each other and what our future has yet to bring.

Our Nanna will be remembered by each and every one of us who knew her and loved her. Although we will miss her, her smile and her unconditional love; we should all take consolation in the memories that we have.

And here I will end, with

‘Rest in Peace to the most beautiful lady, may you be smiling and laughing with the Angels’

"Sorrow comes in great waves...but it rolls over us, and though it may almost smother us, it passes and we remain." - Henry James

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