
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

7 weeks to go

Can you believe we only have 7 weeks to go until I am 40 weeks pregnant? Where did the time go?Feels like yesterday when I first told Jesse we were pregnant!

We have both been busy with house projects! We totally changed our entryway to make it more functional when you first come in the house - we put up board and batten, added some coat hooks and changed the inside of the closet - that has no door and I like it that way :). The entry way does feel more functional, I just wish it was a closed in one so we didn't have dirt dragged through the house. I started a spring clean and cleaned out the spare bedroom, so you can actually see a bed again! Seriously you could not see the bed at all there was so much stuff piled up on it! The spring clean was also spurred on by our vacuum having a complete meltdown on Monday! First of all the belt broke - so we went to the store and bought a new belt, filter etc etc. We put everything in, Jesse started to vacuum then it just had a meltdown - literally. Jesse shouts 'the vacuum is broke' - I went to look and the insides of it had melted, and it was well and truly broken!!!! Its ok because it was relatively cheap so I guess its to be expected!. I said - 'right out next vacuum will be a Dyson'!!!!!!! BUT, I checked out the price and knew that wasn't going to happen. Then I swear by magic (yes yes I believe)........ someone we know put on facebook that they were selling their almost new Dyson for under $200....... whaaaaaaaaaat!!! so I replied immediately and bought it!!!! And that is the story of the beginning of a spring clean ;). I also started our wall gallery in the hallway where the bedrooms are, and we finally bought and built the crib (we love it). I am so hopeless at taking before and after pics, but I will take some after pics so you can at least see the house as it is now.

We still have some projects to do - but they are beginning to feel less overwhelming, and we are learning when to take a break from it so we enjoy the weekends together too! Although last Sunday, Jesse was on call and he ended up being in Surgery from 6am till almost 8pm!!! ugh!

Baby girl is 33 weeks today.......... she makes her presence known more and I can now tell when she is sleeping and when she is awake - according to the books, she is probably close to her max length - so I expect she is feeling pretty cramped up in there, but she still has a ways to go with weight gain ;). We have been getting her nursery room put together and hope it will eventually be a cosy little room for her to like sleeping in (sleeping being the key word here ;)

Here are a few pictures from Week 33 taken by Sarah Bird Photography

Blue protecting already - actually you should have seen him right before this picture - he was so crazy excited!!!

Look at this sweet boy 

belly button fully popped out now

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