
Monday, March 18, 2013

Its one thing after another

This past week was different for me (and probably Jesse too). Our daily routines changed drastically............ go back to the '34 weeks and too early post'. It all started that day, we thought it was going to be a normal week and bam in a matter of hours it changed. After Tuesday and Thursday we were hoping I would be able to get by on limited activity but mainly staying in the house. The doctors had said I could go and teach on the days I was supposed to teach, but that's really all I could do............. oh and still make dinner! ;). I even considered going out for dinner with our friends (I feel like I haven't spent much time with them this year and it makes me sad)

By Friday evening I started having pretty regular contractions that progressed into Saturday and by Saturday evening they were 2 minutes and 45 seconds apart lasting for about 80 seconds. So we called labor and delivery and they told us to go in. So off we went in the middle of another snow storm at 8.45pm on Saturday evening. Once there I was hooked up to the monitor's for fetal heart rate and contractions. After a while the nurse told us the baby was doing well, but my contractions were a concern. The nurse said they looked pretty impressive to say I wasn't really feeling them (although I was starting to notice the period like cramping in my lower back, so I knew they were progressing), So she called the Doctor on call and started discussing options, because I am still considered on the early side of things, they did some routine things, I was hooked up to an IV and given fluids, which seemed to slow the contractions, but once the fluid was done, they came back with a vengeance :(. I was checked to see if I had dilated - which I had from Tuesday, but only to 1cm and then  was given another shot of Brethine................. its not super pleasant - it makes you hot and shaky, but it finally started to work around 2am. They kept me there till 3 and then said we could go home - but now I am really on bed rest or sofa rest! I felt really bad for Jesse because he was on call, and we got home around 3 then he was called in at 6am, and literally worked till 6pm.

We have great friends though and Christine and Stephen came and took our dogs out and Shannon and Rob brought dinner, and earlier in the week Andi and Jim sent us food too.

So over the past few days I have had to organize my class for someone to take over and just sit and work on my computer and try to keep this baby in. The brethine only seems to work for about 48 hours, so last night they started back up and have not really let up all day. I have been told that this is my baseline and if it gets worse then I have to go back in. So every 2-5 minutes I have contractions that last a while...........

We are all doing ok though, only now Jesse really has to do EVERYTHING, feed the dogs, lets them out, make dinner, laundry etc etc etc. All while trying to finish his nursing degree - could this have happened at a worse time?

Anyway - I think the photo updates might be done until we update with a baby :) - but I will continue to keep everyone in the loop with what is going on.

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