So last weekend starting Friday the 8th of March, I started to notice decreased activity with baby girl! Hmm, I figured maybe we were just tired, then on Sunday she kind of made me feel a little better by moving more, but still not like normal. I mentioned it to Jesse a few times and he just said take it easy (no problems, we were just starting Spring Break for the week). By the way, Liz had her baby on that Sunday, he was 1 day shy of being 33 weeks............ Beautiful baby boy names James Finn (goes by the name of Finn). He is doing great and is out of the NICU and in the nursery - he will hopefully get to go home soon!
Anyway, Monday was a normal day for me, I got up, went swimming, went to the gym (to walk on a treadmill), but I was still concerned at the lack of movement. I decided if it was the same Tuesday I would call the doctor. I essentially had a similar routine, I got up went swimming............. then I went up to my office for a couple of hours. I ate breakfast there, grabbed some candy from Terry, but still no movement. I had a lunch date with a friend, so I went to lunch and figured that would get her going - but nothing :( .............. something wasn't quite right. I called the doctor, they sent me to hospital for a non-stress test to check she was doing fine! turns out baby was ok.................. and I was having contractions that were only 2 minutes apart. They did some routine tests and gave me a shot to slow the contractions down - the shot is called Brethine. I went back Thursday morning for another non stress test and baby wasn't being active enough - so they did another ultra sound on us and everything was ok. On Thursday they also old me to keep activity down - as in I could make dinner and do small things around the house, but that was it. The cleared me to go back to work on Monday, but to only teach my one class and then to return home right after and do whatever else I had to do from home!
The beginning of my spring break turned out to be quite eventful
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