
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas

Our Christmas vacation went by so fast. I feel like we never stopped, and still didn't get to do things that I thought we would have time to do. It has just been 'go go go'. We had a fun time though and got to see family, friends and eat lots of good food. The day after we got back, we met up with my roommate from graduate school 'Louise', at the Metro Centre -  its one of the biggest malls in Europe and its about 20 minutes from my home in England. We had brunch before she headed to see her family for the holidays, and then Jesse and I shopped (ALOT - as in 7 hours). Can you say exhausted? The next day we unfortunately went to a funeral, to pay respect to a great man. I hadn't seen my best friend Vanessa in many years and her dad had passed away. It was a beautiful but heart breaking service.

After the initial hectic couple of days we settled into a routine of waking, walking the 3 dogs for an hour plus in the surrounding countryside and then hanging out with friends and family. I got to see my undergraduate roommates, Emma and Joanne. If you remember from a previous post, I mentioned they are both pregnant too. If I had been thinking I would have taken photos (I know, I know - photographer and no pictures). Seriously I took NO photos this vacation. Too busy and more importantly, it rained, EVERY DAY.................. makes it pretty difficult to get out and take pics. Not saying we couldn't have done stuff inside, but outside it better.

My sister Natasha and my mum had a family baby shower for me, it was really fun. My cousins were there. A couple of Natashas friends, that I have also adopted as my friends ;), and my other sister Andre. We had a good time ate more good food and played some really fun games (thank you Marise - you need to become a party planner, speccializing in Baby Showers).

I essentially had 3 days of opening pressies - baby shower on the 23rd, birthday on the 24th and christmas on the 25th!!! How fun?!?! Time flies though - there are some iphone pics from the baby shower, but thats it. My plans of getting my cousins newborn, my sisters, Linzi etc etc didn't happen

We are packed and ready to fly out on the 28th. I am coming back with a horrible cold and sore throat - wish us luck with the travels.

Happy New Year to everyone - next post willl be 2013. Lots to look forward to.

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