
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week 21 bringing you Holiday Cheer and a Little bit of Color

I think this is the fastest pregnancy ever!! People keep telling me that it last forever, but honestly its going by so quickly. Maybe ask me again in a few weeks if I still feel the same :)

So I have been absolutely inundated with emails and texts this week asking me the gender of the baby :). I know I delayed the posting, but seriously I have been so busy and I didn't really have a good week last week with the blacking out and all that. I didn't feel like doing much. I did send my mum some cupcakes with the appropriate frosting color. Over the top - maybe - but who knows if I will ever get to do this again - and so yes, I am going to have fun with it and enjoy it :).

Then at the weekend I had a little gender reveal party with our close friends here. It was such a fun night, we made pizza (or Shannon did - she is just too good at deciding the toppings for Pizza :). And then we had cupcakes, which I made - I have some pictures that I need to upload. It was a really nice night, and special. I am happy that we got to share it with our friends here. I wish I could have done something for everyone I know, but its impossible and super expensive. On Thursday though, Jesse and I had our Winter photos taken by Sarah Bird Photography. I did a little reveal by wearing a ribbon with my clothes that gives away the gender. I love the photos and I am so glad we have them, they will always be special to us.

We are expecting a girl :). We have obviously known for a few weeks now because of the blood test. I think its so cool that blood tests can detect baby DNA. They say it is 100% accurate, but I have to admit when I went for the anatomy ultrasound last week, I did get nervous when I asked the technician to confirm it. Although I think at that point the technician and I were just hoping I would stay conscious long enough the get through the ultrasound. I think this color looks so cute with the grey sweater too.
You can see the bump a little better in the picture. Some days I think I am so big, and others I am like - where did it go. I know that it is slowly moving its way up. Swimming is more comfortable (yes I am still swimming, even after the little scare). I am not swimming any backstroke though ;)!! To be honest, I think the baby likes swimming, it moves around alot when I am in the pool :). Hoping this is a positive sign.
I am not going to lie - she has to like swimming, given the genes she is getting from Jesse and I right?!?!
The next few pictures are some of my favorites too :) - I love this one - because first of all, doesn't my husband look super hot in it?!!!! You can't see his face properly, but there is just something about this picture. I can't wait to put these up around our home!

There's that Train again. Every time I go to this place, I always think about my Grandad Raisbeck. Even Jesse does whenever we see a cool looking train, and he never even got to meet him :). I really love this picture - I also love the Train. When I was growing up, my Grandad Raisbeck had this train collection that I think I was mildly obsessed with. It was seriously the best thing ever. Once a year he would build the whole collection, and I got to be a part of that. It would take up a whole room. I loved watching the trains whizzing around when he was finished with it. It was AMAZING and I think that is where I got my train obsession from.  I think about it all the time and I am hoping that I get to do that with my children one day! AND - that they love trains as much I do :).

Finally - I like this picture just because its wintry and cosy and loving. We are leaving for England in just a few days now (well 7 to be exact) and I am so excited to see everyone at home! This is going to be the best Christmas EVER!
There is so much to do before, work work work, pack, Christmas parties - isn't it ironic that the best time of the year is always the busiest and most chaotic.

Happy Holidays everyone - stay posted as we continue this fun fun journey :).

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