I reach the 20 week milestone tomorrow (Tuesday December 4th). Time
is going by so quickly. I am updating the blog today, because this week is
insanely busy and I want to get a post in before I get overwhelmed with things
to do. Which means gender reveal won’t be for another week…………….. I know, I
know it’s not fair – I said I was revealing the baby’s gender at 20 weeks – but I haven’t
had time to figure out a fun reveal post. So you will just have to wait just a
little while longer ;)………….. Patience is a virtue....right?!!! I’ll keep that poll running for another few
days J -
so if you haven’t voted yet, go to the previous post and cast your vote.
Things I am doing
Exercise: swimming, swimming, swimming, I seriously thought I would be
running all the way through – but I guess my body had other plans! Thank
goodness for swimming is all I can say – although I am beginning to remember
the toll it has on my shoulders when I swim every day L. Then today I had a slight
mishap in the pool but managed to save myself in time…………… which is a good
thing, because the poor lifeguard didn’t have a clue what to do. I was half
way through my workout when I started to feel weird, so I stopped to see if
that would make me feel better, but I started to feel really heavy and hot. I
got myself out of the pool and my vision was really blurry. I managed to get
myself in a seated position and then asked the lifeguard to get me some water!
The problem at this pool is there is only one lifeguard and she had to leave
me to go and get water, by the time she got back that blurry vision had turned
to complete blackness. I have never passed out or blacked out before, so I was
really scared, thankfully I recognized the symptoms and managed to keep doing
yoga breathing. I didn’t fully pass out because I could still hear the faint
sound of water in the background, but I was in complete blackness. It was quite scary ! Lesson learned……………….
Take something to drink and eat during swimming I guess – although I did not
feel dehydrated or hungry before I started.
Friends I know that are expecting right now
Liz : you all know this already because she is the most awesome person
and friend ever……… there isn’t a day goes by when we don’t talk (several times
a day). I love her to bits and I can’t wait to find out what she is having J
Sandy: graduate school friend,
we started grad school at the same time and finished at the same time. We have
always been good friends and we always manage to see each other at least once a
year. She is expecting TWINS in March……….. oh how exciting, I can’t wait to
meet them. A boy and a girl, how perfect!
Emma: my roommate from undergrad. I feel like we have been friends
forever and we have been through A LOT together! She is expecting her second
baby due in April.
Joanne: my other roommate from undergrad. Same as what I said about
Emma, its so great when we get together because it’s just how it should be,
like we have never been apart.
Kelly: one of my old swimmer friend (yes yes less of the old I know),
she is expecting her fourth in March! Wow 4……….I can’t even imagine! Well sort
of because I am one of 4, but still!
Linzi: This is one of my sisters ( Natasha) best friends, I shot her
wedding in the summer, she is the sweetest girl. She has an adorable little boy named Max and he is going
to be a big brother in April.
Meredith: she is the Wife of ones of Jesse’s cousins ‘Kyle’, she is
absolutely fantastic and I am so excited that she is expecting in June!
Doherty: this makes me smile. Doherty is one of my old swimmers from IU
(yup, I claim some of those swimmers, especially the ones I coached for 4
years). I went through A LOT with those guys, and I am still in contact with
most of them. Doherty is due in May.
Kate Middleton (Duchess of Cambridge) - a Royal baby is due in 2013 too......... thats lucky and so exciting for my home country :)
Kate Middleton (Duchess of Cambridge) - a Royal baby is due in 2013 too......... thats lucky and so exciting for my home country :)
Finally although not still technically pregnant – my cousin had a
beautiful baby girl last week – her name in Anya………. How beautiful!
Am I wearing Maternity Clothes : absolutely……….. I put it off for a
while, but now I am for sure showing and I finally succumbed to them. But now I
am wearing them, I have no idea why I waited so long – they are the most comfortable clothes
EVER . I still fit my regular jeans (on good days)
Am I Sleeping?: better than it has been since week 6 – I am now able to
sleep 3 hours without waking up to pee! I never thought this was EVER going to
happen to me again………….. so right now I am thinking this is nothing short of a
miracle ;)
Excitement for the week – hearing the hearing beat and knowing the
anatomy scan is just around the corner. Andi, Shannon and Christine and I also
had our girls weekend in Appleton. We go to hang out, shop till we drop
(literally) and eat good food. It always fun, and I hope it continues to be an
annual tradition! I wish I wasn’t so superstitious because it would have been
fun to baby shop with them, but I refuse to do it till I am past 20 weeks.
So many babies, so exciting!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to hear the gender!!