
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Home for the Holidays


Short post today - we are travelling home to England for the Holidays :)................ So Excited!!

We left Houghton last night around 6.30-7pm. We thought we were going to leave around 3 but Jesse ended up working in surgery till around 6pm. It was ok though - I had ALOT to do yesterday. I did exams for students in the morning AND I got them graded and turned in! Which is great because I thought I was going to have to grade them in the car. Then I went home - packed up the dogs and took them to the Kennel. I don't normally mind, but yesterday I was super emotional about it. Blue has been really glued to me over the past few weeks, like he doesn't want to let me out of his sight, so it was hard to leave him at the Kennel - although once we got there - he was happy and acting all crazy, and then Barley was acting like he didn't want me to leave him. I am confident that they have fun there though - they get to stay together and its really quite a nice kennel. I guess that must be the pregnancy hormones making an appearance ;)

After that I made a quick trip to the Dentist.................. my teeth were hurting and reacting to hot and cold food and drinks :(. I was worried I was getting an abscess or something. The dentist reassured me that is was pregnancy related issues and that happens to some people (hmmmm - I seem to be hearing that ALOT). So he sent me on my way with sensodyne toothpaste.................... its still a little sensitive today, but not like yesterday.

I packed up the car, checked us in for the flight - I must have got on there early because I got the seats I was tempted to pay an extra $42 for (per person) the day before! Can you believe airlines are doing this now. You pay to get on a flight and then then try to coerce you into more money to get the seat you want. Anyway - we got the seats we wanted and I didn't cave in and pay the extra - I just need to remember to be online waiting for the flight to open up for our return travel.

I am excited for Christmas, I think it is going to be super busy, but fun and I am going to get to see two of my really good friends and family!

Here is a picture of the ever swelling stomach. We have lots of movements everyday - seems to be very active right after swimming and showering. Hoping this is signs of a super water baby.

Happy Holidays Everyone :)
Much love Louisa and Jesse

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