I had fully planned on having this post ready to publish as the clocks struck midnight and we transitioned into 2013. However, late last year (yup I can write that), I caught the flu. I felt it coming on when I was at the movies with my mum, sister, brother in law (not legally - but hopefully one day) and Jesse. We went to see the Hobbit.............. it was pretty good, everyone seemed to enjoy it more than me (I loved the book). Anyway, looking back, I think I just didn't want to be there because I was really starting to feel just awful. The back of my throat was itchy and my ears had started to ring :(. Ugh, I was hoping it would just be a cold, I couldn't possibly get the flu - I had the flu shot. The next day I had planned to visit my cousin Leanne and take newborn pics of Anya, and hang out with my nephews. I woke up and knew that wasn't going to happen. Jesse and I walked the dogs and then essentially spent the rest of the day on the sofa. We were packed and ready for the trip back to the States the next day. I kept hoping, sleep would help and I would wake up feeling better. On the 28th we headed for the airport and thankfully, someone up above was understanding how awful I was feeling and upgraded us to business class. This is the way to travel on those long haul flights................. one day I hope to have money that allows us to book these seats often :). I can dream right?!?!We got into Chicago and headed down to Indiana, we spent the night at his mums. We got there around 1.30am ............. can you say exhausted. At this point I was really spiralling down hill. I woke up around 5am (thank you Jet Lag) and felt awful. I woke Jesse around 6am to send him out to get me some medicine that pregnant women can take. When he was gone I realized that I hadn't even wished him a Happy Birthday (ugh bad wife :(............ We were also supposed to be going to celebrate his great grandmas 100th birthday with the rest of his family. I went back and forth about whether I should go, in the end I went and in hindsight I definitely should not have gone. I felt exhausted, weak and I couldn't talk because of my swollen glands etc. After that we went to his dads for a birthday lunch, which essentially passed by me and then back to his mums. By the time we got back there I just wanted to settle in, but we had made plans to head down to Indianapolis and stay with his cousin Kyle and wife Meredith (she is 18 weeks pregnant now). We went to a Mexican restaurant to celebrate Jesses birthday, it was good - I know he had fun, then we went back to their place with his other cousin Craig - it was so great to see Jesse with them. It is clear they have ALOT of fun together and I know over the years they hadn't seen each other that they all obviously missed it.

See what I mean about this not exactly being the Happy New Years and Welcome 2013 post I was hoping it would be. I guess it is safe to say I don't even feel like I knew what day it was over the past few days. Oh well, these things happen! We are super excited for this year though. We are 24 weeks into our pregnancy and other than this set back, things have been going really well. When I feel better I am excited to look at all the lovely gifts we got for her over the holiday period :). Its such an exciting time :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all - I wish for good health and lots of laughter :)
p.s. - Jesse finally got his birthday card and present from me yesterday - January 1st! Better late than never right?
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