
Friday, January 25, 2013

Letter of Love

I wake each day waiting for your first movement, your kicks are like butterflies that sing to my heart. I am overwhelmed with this love that I feel, an unconditional love that foresees no end. We loved you before you existed and yearned for your presence, it’s been weeks of excitement as we wait patiently for you to grow so you can meet the world, and the world can meet you.
We were told your arrival would feel like forever; but truth be told, the days are shorter and the weeks go by in a blink. It feels like yesterday since I realized you were there, a moment never to be forgotten, a moment we had wondered if it would ever happen. I didn’t think anything would ever compare, until we first saw you on the monitor, or the first time we heard your heart beat to the first time we felt you move and when we found out you were a precious sweet baby girl. We realize that there will be many more moments to experience with you, and our love for you will grow stronger each and every day.
Our lives have already changed and we can’t wait to share it with you; our days go by getting ready for you, to experience all the adventures you have planned for us, and to share with you all the love we have to offer. If there is one thing that you take from us in your whole life, let it be that you were wanted so very much and we love you with all the love we have to give.

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