
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Superstitions and Popping Out

I have them - lots of them. So other than a few people, no-one was going to know! That is unless you are married to my husband, who wanted to tell everyone immediately (Louise I know you are laughing right now). Jesse has a hard time keeping anything to himself, its ok, its endearing...... hes just very excited to share his happiness!

I won't go into the in's and out's of what my superstitions are because I also happen to have a superstition about that! Ha- I told you, I have lots of them!

Remember when I said I was eating like it was my job! Well, it came with a price, unexpected early weight gain (which I am assured is not as bad as I am perceiving it to be) and the slight rounding of my lower abdomen. At week 9 it wasn't that much because it still wouldn't show in a picture, but boy was I feeling it.
In my head this is what I imagine I look like - Pamela Anderson (hello boobs) with a beach ball for a abdomen (now isn't that an image).

Of course I don't really look like this, but remember my perceptions are very skewed. I am someone who is very disciplined with my body and it has been 'trained' for many years in swimming and triathlons, and I liked my body ALOT!!! Now I am being told to not be so disciplined and weight gain is going to happen (has to happen) and I have to embrace it. So, I am learning to embrace it, a baby is growing inside of me and I am embracing (slowly) the changes that are occurring on a daily basis. That does not mean I am going to stop what I love (unless a doctor tells me to). I am still swimming, almost daily, I am running 3 times a week, cycling (outdoors when I can) and doing yoga. The intensity is of course much lower than I would normally do, and if I am simply exhausted, then I know to take a break.

Even with my continued exercise routine, it didn't stop my abdomen from popping out around the beginning of week 10 (just a little bit - but it did take me my surprise). Let me just say I am quickly learning, the things I expect to happen, don't..... and the things I don't expect to happen do. There is no one way to be pregnant, each is its own case study (there I go with the research again) and although there are many similarities, there is something that makes us all unique!

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