
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Heart Beat

So after we couldn't hear the heart beat a couple of weeks ago, they rescheduled me for 2 weeks later. Which was putting me at just over 11 weeks pregnant. At this appointment Jesse got to come with me and I think we were both pretty anxious to hear it. Another person I know who is going through this with me (I won't out her just yet) has already heard her baby's heart beat and it was much earlier (Eek - I can't wait to tell you who it is - I am so happy and excited for her).

So, we head to the doctors office eagerly anticipating hearing the heartbeat. I get all set up and she is listening (the whole time with the perfect poker face may I add - she is very good at this), but to no avail, I am either way to noisy or baby is way too shy!. So we get to go take another peek................... you can see such a big difference between this photo and the one I posted a while back. Baby is so much bigger, moving around and has limbs etc etc. The heart was flickering away and everything looked good. so maybe in a months time we will get to hear the heart beat.

Here is the pic - go back and check out the first one - baby grew so much bigger!

So hear we are, all caught up with my pregnancy so far. I feel like I am at the stage now when I can start to post updated belly photos..................... no judging! :)

Food aversions appear to be less, although chocolate, tomatoes and meat are still on the no way list! I have gone from eating like a horse, to not wanting to eat anything at all for about 5 days to re-introducing certain food groups back into my diet. I think those people that say all they craved were healthy foods! HA! whatever is my response to that. I truly believe now that for at least the first trimester, this is essentially out of your hands. I have read it changes as you enter the second trimester, so I am holding out hope! Its not like I am not aware of healthy habits etc, I feel for the best part I live by them. I mean like I have already stated, I used to enjoy my fair share of chocolate and eating out, but making healthy choices, cooking, and working out are a HUGE part of my everyday lifestyle. This baby has made everything change with respect to that! If eating healthy meant starches and sour candies then I can tell you - I had that down to a tee! My favorite snack of hummus was replaced with disgusting (but oh so amazing) orange puffs that make your fingers orange. I think the one thing that is my saving grace is I crave fruit - as much as I want the other stuff. Peaches, oranges, grapes, apples pears (talking of pears, I almost tackled a fellow colleague for his pear the other day - I restrained myself - I can't even imagine how that might have gone down). It did send me running to the store for pears though :)

My craving this week other than fruit was vegetable pot pie!

I hope you have enjoyed the trials and tribulations so far - I hope to continue to post on a weekly basis, if anything to show you the belly updates :)

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