
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What's Up Second Trimester

We are in the second trimester - according to different things I have read the baby is the size of a Peach! Pretty small.......... hard to believe. I do love my peaches though :)

This is what they say about the second trimester, also known as the ‘Feel Good Trimester'. So during this time, I should be starting to feel better, I should have more energy and those food aversions should start to disappear. That is a whole LOT of should's!!!!  Today is the mark of the second trimester! So my question is do these things happen overnight ?!?!........... ask me again in a week!

I can say this - the constant need to eat is now few and far between. Some days I 'want' to eat all the time, some days its a struggle to find anything to eat. The food aversions are somewhat better, but I am struggling to find things that I really want. I made this great dinner a couple of nights ago, took one bite and then went and opened and can of soup. Jesse looked at me like I was crazy, because in his words 'this is great'. 'Oh good' was my response- enjoy eating that for the rest of the week then. I am longing for the days when I want to make good food and then eat it. I also think I might need to change my eating patterns to a main meal at lunch time, because I guarantee by the time dinner rolls around I am not wanting anything! UNLESS - its fruit............ ah fruit is like a little piece of heaven! Melons, apples, pears, mangoes............ pretty much anything! And - new weird craving............ orange Popsicles (ice lollies for the British that are reading this). I remember loving these as a kid, and apparently I had forgotten how fantastic they were until this past week. Take note of the orange though won't you - seems to be a pattern here with the orange colored foods - remember the Cheese puffs, and the macaroni and cheese, and now these Popsicles!

The second trimester is also exciting because its marks the time when I can officially 'out' my friend. So before Jesse and I found out we were (seriously - what is this 'we' business other than being politically correct - it is me that is ACTUALLY pregnant), I would tell her all about the things that were going on, and I always thought in the back of my mind how fun it would be to if we were pregnant at the same time (I even used to throw that out there every once in a while. Anyway, last time I was in Bloomington, she got to come and visit for the night with her husband, and we were going to meet up with a couple of friends later that night. We were talking before we went out and I asked if she was preggers (for one reason or another),  she said 'not that I know of'. So we went to our friend Heather's house and Heather happens to make the best Mint Mojito's EVER!!!! Seriously! I don't normally drink, but it was too tempting, so we all had a little drink (remember previous posts, about me doing things I wouldn't normally do!!). Anyway, wouldn't you know - we both happened to be pregnant and just didn't know it yet! Many of you have guessed, but if you hadn't my AMAZING friend Liz is pregnant too, and we are only 6 days apart............. EEK!!!! SO EXCITING!

This picture is our first one together when we were pregnant :) - we have talked about doing friends bumps photos........... which I think would be so cute (being the photographer that I am) and I really really hope we get to do it.

So - how did we find out.............. well remember the story about the wedding and how I realized I was having similar symptoms- I ended up calling Liz after that and telling her the story about this girl I met and how she was out with her friends etc etc and that after that story I started having an 'ah ha' moment......... and that I did a pregnancy test etc.......... was how I told her - then she happened to mention that she was going to take one too and the next day it was my turn to be super excited for her :). How fun though :). I am so happy and excited for her and Scott - and I will forever cherish this picture!

I will see about that belly update picture in my next post!
p.s. - I also happen to know several other friends that are also pregnant right now - that I will mention next week too :)............... can anyone say 'Fifty Shades of Grey BABY BOOM'.

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