
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Weeks 6 and 7

I had this grand idea in my head that I was going to have the healthiest pregnancy ever (by healthy I mean in terms of what I put into my body)! Hmm - apparently I don't really get much of a say over that. More on this later!

We started this period of time off with a couple of blood tests to see how my HCG levels were doing. After the first one - the nurse called us back as said - well, you are VERY pregnant. What?!?! aren't you just pregnant or not.............. what is this VERY business. She explained my levels were high - I of course, being the researcher I am had to get online and find out what that meant. YES my levels were fab........... eek they kind of fell into the multiples zone too. The next one was more normal but they were increasing at a rapid rate, so until that first ultrasound I did wonder.

During this time I was put on extra progesterone, which I was to take up to 10 weeks. It didn't seem that bad, but progesterone is the hormone that essentially plays havoc with your body, and with me - it made me hungry (every second of the day and night). So from week 6 I feel like I have been steadily gaining weight. Another major change - frequent visit to the bathroom................ really where is all this water coming from. Hmmm - well initially I had read that it was good for pregnant women to drink 100oz of water a day (see what I mean about researcher things). So I did, I drank tons of water, which made me visit the bathroom ALOT. Over labor day weekend, I had to get up every 45 minutes during the night to go............... ugh - no sleep - I was going insane. No-one ever said anything about sleepless nights before the stork arrives with the baby (that's how it happens right?!?!).

Our first glimpse of baby was during week seven, they said come with a bladder full of water - HA! of course I would - at this stage I was still drinking 100oz a day. So we show up and they go to take a look - and nothing. Apparently my bladder wasn't full, just go outside for 20 minutes and drink a little more................ you are kidding me. I was ready to go and they were telling me to hold it for another 20 minutes and drink more! That was the longest 20 minutes ever, I couldn't sit still, my stomach was protruding to what I felt was about an 8 month preggers person and I just had to sit and wait :(.

Finally the technician came back out and took us in, baby showed up - me being so uncomfortable was thinking 'great, seen it, heart is flickering, can I go now'. Oh no, she has to measure it from all angles, the whole time pressing on my lower abdomen, which by the way is the most awesome feeling ever (dripping with sarcasm people, dripping)!!

BUT, we did end up with our first picture of baby, which was so tiny that she wrote BABY across the middle of the picture, just in case we didn't know ;)

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