
Monday, February 11, 2013

The Name Game

We keep getting asked - 'Do you have a name'. Its one of the hot questions of the month. We actually don't, I thought we did. Before we got pregnant we had decided on a few names that we loved if we had a boy or a girl. But when we got pregnant, I wasn't as in LOVE with those names anymore. I still like them though ;). A couple are still top contenders, but there are others that we are contemplating now. What are those contenders - we aren't telling, I dont know why, but this is just something that Jesse and I are keeping to ourselves for now, and everyone will find out what her name is when she arrives (I guess that goes for us too, because we really don't have a name yet).

I think when it comes to the name, I am just going to have to decide when I see her. I know that I LOVE all the names that my parents decided for me and my siblings. I have never heard any of us ever complain about their name and I think we all like eachothers, they are all unique to us in some way. I think I am ideally looking for something like that. If it happens to be a family name, then its not because we sat down and looked at all the family names and thought - yep thats the name we should choose, its just because we like the name. I know some families, try to keep names in the family or include their name into their childrens name somehow, we have somewhat discussed that, and I think we came to the conclusion, that if it happens, it happens, but we aren't going to force it. We also still have to discuss the last name.............. I never thought I would do it - but I think we are going to have children with insanely long names, because I want my children to have a first and middle name, but I have not changed my last name for one reason or another, so as of right now - she is having both last names. Unless we choose a unique last name and we both change our last name to that! ;). Also, when it comes to the name, I like the idea of us creating our own family traditions at this point. We are already starting out a little different by bringing together our two nationalities. There have been lots of changes recently and I like the idea of new beginnings = new traditions.

Until then, she gets called all sorts of things........... over Christmas Jesse insisted on calling her 'little Gertie' ............... yup he liked the idea of Gertrude for her name. I guess I have our friend Robert Handler to thank for that!!!! I vetoed it  ;)


  1. Oh good luck with the name. We are finally down to 2 with our girl and I think we decided on boy's name. I'm sure whatever you choose will be beautiful. Who would have thought it would be so hard to choose? I think you should keep both last names--it will be long, but it gives honor to both families and parents--that's my 2 cents.

  2. Sandy - it is hard isn't it? I like the idea of keeping both last names too ;)

  3. I didn't know you had a blog. You are a talented writer. Names...when we had Aliisa, I debated btw. Aliisa and Louisa for a long time. One day, I saw the name Aliisa in a family history book, so we used it. Whenever I see your name on FB, I kind of wish we would've used Louisa. I love your name.
