The past two weeks have been so weird. Its almost like time stopped for a brief moment in time. It all started when we left Indiana for our trip back to the UP! We had an awful trip (drive - not the visit) down there and we were hoping for some weather that was going to be nicer to us on the way back, but as I mentioned in a previous post, we were hit with nasty weather from Iron Mountain onwards - which is still 2 - 3 hours away. The closer we got to home, the worse it became. Anyway, by the time we got home, it was late and we were hungry so we grabbed take out and headed home. Our plan was to eat and hit the sack - we both had 8am starts the next day. Anyway, just before heading to bed, my phone started ringing and I look down at the number and I am thinking 'noooooo' this is not going to be a good call!. My bestie who I am sharing this whole experience was at the hospital - her water broken :( - Sad face because she was 28 weeks and 6 days. yup, not great news. We talked for a while and she was getting transferred to a different hospital. She never complains though - she is so incredibly great and appreciative of everything............. and all I wanted to do was go an visit her, but I am probably a good 20 hour drive from where she lives! UGH! Every time I got up to use the bathroom that night (which was frequent, I checked my phone and just kept thinking - no news is good news. The goal was to keep the baby in for at least 48 hours! I have to admit, I wasn't sure if that was going to happen - but again, she never once complained and it sounded like she was keeping her spirits high. We usually talk several times a week, either on the phone, e-mail or text...... but over the next 48 hours I think I called her every hour and tried talking about things that would take her mind of what was happening. Amazingly the baby decided to stay put, she is and will remain in hospital until she delivers now, which if he doesn't come earlier will be at 34 weeks. He will still be teeny tiny, but at least he is inside and growing right now :). Her baby shower was supposed to be last weekend, and it was all I could think about and her too. I sent her a package full of goodies, but it wasn't the same........... I wish I could have gone to see her - but flying at this stage is not recommended, so we made do with talking and now plan when we can see each other after these babies arrive. I was sad from Thursday onwards last week because that was when Jesse and I were supposed to leave to go to visit them.
In addition to that, my beloved grandparents both had a rough two weeks. My dear granda is in a nursing home and him and my nanna have been living apart now since last summer :( - Sad! My nanna was heartbroken when this happened, but it was for the best. Then over Christmas my nanna was sick with what we thought was a cold. We still don't really know what it was, but she has been in hospital for about six weeks now. She has had several tests including a bone marrow one, and finally the results came back as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma :( - Another sad face. I found this out on Friday last week. Friday turned out to be a sad sad day, I was supposed to be with Liz and I found out sad news about my nanna. UGH! Jesse tried to make me feel better my entertaining my distracting ideas of house projects (which I know he doesn't really like to do) and taking me out to dinner, but it was a rough day! She was supposed to start chemo on Monday, but she took a turn for the worse and is not able to start it unless she gets better!. So positive thoughts are being sent her way, hoping she can start her treatment. During all this time, my poor granda had a fall in his nursing home, but he is back there recovering well. I think he is doing ok - you just have to talk to him about way back in the past because his memory isn't great anymore!
So my super speedy pregnancy suddenly experienced a very long slow two weeks! No fun!
On the plus side - we have 8 weeks to go - and I will get Jesse to take a pic update tonight! I feel like my ever swelling belly has dropped even lower and it does feel very big to me!
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