I have been meaning to do this post since the my sister (Natasha) had a baby shower for me. It was on December 23rd......... and I fully planned on doing a proper post right after Christmas, but then I got the flu. It is just this week that I have started to feel better!.
Anyway, the baby shower was so much fun. My mum made food, and Natasha and my nephews made an adorable diaper (nappy for you Brits :) cake (that I had to take apart to bring here). My mistake was not taking my camera with me :(. Natasha took photos with her iPhone though.............. they quality isn't great but you get the picture (ha ha no pun intended).
This picture shows the diaper cake in the middle of the table, it had baby bottles in the middle, with diapers surrounding it and a cute baby bear blanket on top! (that blanket is so soft - she will be lucky to get it from me ;). There is also some really yummy foods on here, sausage rolls, quiches and orange cupcakes (my favorite).
The next picture is of baby grows (onesies for the American peeps) hanging on a clothes line that Natasha hung up between the dining room and the living room. They are so small and so cute (and pink)!!

These two pictures show flowers (lilies - may favorite). You can't see very well in this picture, but the flowers also had little tiny socks rolled up as flower buds....... so cute!). Then on the other picture there is Bucks Fizz (love - but no, I didn't have any) and wine glasses with pick ribbon around the base).

There were also lots of gifts, which we don't have many pictures of............ but there were so many things for mom to be (me ;)! As in, luxury spa sanctuary oils and lotions etc etc (I wish they sold that stuff over here) ..... some adorable blankets and clothes. This really cute Classic Winne the Pooh money box and notebook for guests to write the baby a wish. I loved it - we haven;t read it yet - we are waiting until she arrives.

And games - lots of fun games, my cousin Marise was in charge of games (she is a riot, and should totally be a baby shower/event planner). She had a safety pin game (which I almost won, but Holly - my younger cousin in the picture to the left, got me in the last few minutes). We played, guess the size of the belly with a piece of string, my younger cousin Hannah won that - she was right on (you couldn't get any closer). We also had a quiz of many many questions, who knew how many diapers you would go through in a year. I asked Jesse when I got home, and he told me what he would have said his answer to be........ ummmm way off!!! I also had to be the judge for some games where the guests were split into 2 teams, they each were given rolls of toilet paper, and then told to create the best diaper that would stay on. The picture with Holly above won............ because seriously have you seen the concoction my two sisters (Andre and Natasha) and friends Linzi and Abbey came up with. Yup - hoping this is not how Jesse and I put on diapers ;). So much fun.

I know you are all wondering - what on earth is this last image of. Well........ those teams also had to go through baby magazine and come up with an image of what the baby would look like based on Jesse and I (I think it was based on Jesse and I). I then had to judge the picture and choose the best one. Come one - which one would you choose........... my cousins made up the crazy looking one on the right............ my sisters and friends chose the more realistic looking one on the left! No guesses to which one won......... :)

I had ALOT of fun, and I was so thankful for everything we got. I am especially thankful for the years supply of body lotions (nope I am not exaggerating). It was also fun to go through everything with Jesse later that night. He didn't come to the baby shower, he went out with Natasha's other half and our nephews..... I think they went bowling! Needless to say - it was fun for everyone. I wish I had more photos to show off................
This baby shower had made me super excited to plan my friend Liz's (its February 23rd). I have been planning some fun games, decorations and yummy food for her too. I hope she has has much fun as I did :)