
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

39 weeks

Well after the roller coaster ride since week 33, we have made it to 39 weeks! Much to our and every ones amazement! When this all initially happened I stopped doing the bump updates - its was too much for us and I was on bed rest, so pictures became less of a priority. This week though I have had so many requests to see the bump! So here it is, in all its glory - skip back a few weeks, its quite a bit bigger! Jesse took the pics - I love them.............. funny that I am not really looking at the camera in these, I took the time to put make up on too!

I have a couple of backdated posts coming this week - looks like I will still be blogging on this a few more times, till my new blog is up and running!

39 week belly bump - In our finished nursery - overlooking the crib waiting for baby girl

Just for fun - sitting in the glider, reading up on what to expect ;)
Same picture as the zoomed in one above, but more of the crib

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