Its been busy since Easter weekend................ I will give a quick update and then I have some more detailed posts for later in the week.
On Good Friday I went for my weekly check up and the doctor took me off bed rest. one of the side effects that goes with bed rest is swelling, my hands and feet were fine - but my face had puffed up like crazy. Unfortunately that and a couple of other things were signs of some mild pre-eclampsia. Seeing as I was almost to 37 weeks at that point, she said ok lets get you up and moving but nothing crazy. YAY!!! up and moving!
I have to say though - it didn't feel great - 3.5 weeks of bed rest at that point had me feeling weak and sluggish, but i mustered up the energy to start doing something, short walks around the street near my house and then doing things around the house. I am still on a creating space in our tiny 1000 sq ft home, so I had Jesse get some large totes from the store and I started putting things in them that we don't use. Then we went into our FREEZING garage and I basically sat and directed Jesse (poor guy). We took A LOT of things to recycling and Goodwill and we still have more things to go. We also decided to sell some things that we just don't have a need for! For example, when we moved here, there was a weird portable dishwasher in the kitchen. The kind that needs to be hooked up. I found it kind of creepy and so i put it in the garage and never used it. So for 3.5 years we have just done the dishes by hand! I personally don't mind this - Jesse on the other hand, despises it. Anyway - today we sold that weird dishwasher (YAY). We also decided on Friday that we were going to update the only room in our house that we have not really touched! We bought subway tile to do a kitchen back splash, we primed the cabinets (ready for painting) and we took out a cabinet beside the sink - so a built in dishwasher can go in its place! We also bought a new range under the cabinet hood! so although this isn't a dream kitchen renovation, its going to look refreshed, with ALL new appliances, a beautiful back splash. I am excited for it to be finished, its just a few days away now!
What about baby girl I hear you ask - well, shes still snuggled up in the right side of my body. She moves occasionally - but for what the doctors like, quite quiet! We think this is because she too is fed up of being squeezed every 5 minutes for the past 4 weeks with contractions.................. They don't feel the need to get her out of there, because for the best part she passes the non stress tests that they have me doing on a weekly sometimes several times a week basis - I see the Doctor once a week and the ultrasound tech once a week! I guess I just have a uterus that will do this for a long time! Now I am past 37 weeks, they are not trying to stop the contractions or anything, but they are still monitoring me and baby closely for anything unusual that may develop. The mild preeclampsia doesn't appear to be posing much of a threat, and the swelling seemed to subside some once I got up and moving!
Look out for out Kitchen and Nursery updates :)