
Monday, November 26, 2012

The Epic Road Trip

I have been missing in action for a while because we just embarked on an epic road trip for Thanksgiving break so we could spend time with Jesse's family.

Our trip started on Tuesday after Jesse got done with his last class before the break. We drove 8 hours to Birch Run Michigan arriving around 11.30pm and spent the night in a hotel. I was particularly excited about this because Birch Run has an amazing outlet mall. We didn't have time to hit many stores, but we did some Christmas shopping in Gap for our adorable nephews back in England, and I spent a good amount of time in a Maternity store. I was in desperate need of some clothes that are more comfortable to wear than the ones I was trying to still use. All of a sudden last week, everything felt a little bit tighter, it was probably a significant week for gaining a couple pounds and belly rounding out more. Its actually starting to look more like a pregnant belly now, than a muffin top ;)

Here is a picture of one of the tops I bought............... its just a black sweater - but I really liked it on :) - and it shows the belly so far! I am 18 weeks pregnant here.

We drove to Columbus Ohio after the shopping trip and it was so much fun, we stayed at the brad new Hilton............. I think it had only been open for one month, and it was so nice. We got there a little late because we shopped for too long, and didn't anticipate the traffic being so crazy, but that's ok because we had fun and we still got to hang out with Jesse's Mum, Step dad and Brother in the evening.

The next day Jesse and I woke up early and ended up going to the hotel gym for an hour, then we went for a long walk along the river with his family. Then we went to Buca di Beppo for Thanksgiving lunch. Usually it is an Italian restaurant, but for Thanksgiving they serve up traditional food for the lunch, and its all done family style. I love it - I just love Turkey - so I was going to be happy no matter what. Its pretty safe to say though, I was wiped out by the afternoon.

Friday, we started part three of the road trip which ended in Fort Wayne, Indiana. We got to hang out with his dad and Jill. Then on Saturday, we drove to Indianapolis - where we spent time with more of Jesse's family - it was great. They had all just got back from a vacation in Ireland, but they were troopers and we had another Turkey dinner - I am telling ya, I can't get enough turkey. His cousin Heather has twins, they are just learning to walk and they are into everything, they are so so adorable. His cousin Kyle's wife, Meredith announced that she is pregnant too - I think 13 excited for that :). We took a picture of us together, so when I get it I will upload it to this! There will be lots of little ones running around together over here and in England. My cousin Leanne is set to give birth now, my other cousin has a 2 or 3 year old, my aunt has a 4 year old and last but not least my amazing sister has two adorable boys 5 and 3 :). So many cousins for ours to play with ;). In between all this excitement, we found time to go to buybuybaby and babierus to start our registry. We have some things on them, but I'm telling you - you need at least 3 days to do all that stuff. We don't live near the stores, so we put the main things we thought of on there and will add the rest online :)

Sunday was the epic trip back up to our home. Its a 12 hour drive, which took a bit longer because when we hit the Upper Peninsula, we were greeted with Lake effect snow, so it really slowed us down - but we have enough snow now for ski season to start (YAY)!!

Our anatomy scan is December 4th and that's when I am 20 weeks - I guess I have promised to tell people the sex if all goes well at the 20 week scan............... so the poll is out

Boy or Girl - let me know what you all think :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

16 almost 17 weeks

On Tuesday I will be 17 weeks - time is going by so quickly. I am posting a little late because I have had another busy week of deadlines and meetings. To say I am ready for a break is an understatement, Thanksgiving can't come soon enough.

So in the mad chaos of last week, I did have to go for another Ultrasound - I know........... lots of Ultrasounds already! At my last doctors appointment my blood pressure was reading a little on the high side! Its not really normal for that to happen to me - but at the same time, its not totally abnormal either. If I am feeling unsure about something when I have a doctors visit, I have been known to get White coat syndrome. However, a higher BP reading when pregnant is a red flag for doctors, irrespective of what a normal reading would be. So the doctor was asking me questions etc, trying to figure out why it might be high. I asked her about this excessive peeing.............. turns out my instinct was correct and it is actually excessive, not just because I am pregnant............... but excessiveness goes with more checking on things. So they had me do a 24 hour urinary analysis to check Kidney function (which came back fine) and an ultrasound to check cervical length (which I should get results this week sometime). The ultrasound was good, baby has grown quite a bit since the last time and seemed quite active :)!.


The next Ultrasound will be December 4th for the 20 week anatomy scan. So more pictures will be posted then!
Recently I have been having a sneak around on the Internet looking at some baby things. Remember we have no stores up here for me to go window shopping, so I surf the web! I am loving this look below!
Have a Good Week!