All I remember about this summer is the travelling I did. I remember thinking in May, how am I going to fit in my life with all this travel. What I meant by that was - how were Jesse and I going to find time to fit in fertility appointments etc when starting May 28th I was essentially missing in action for the remainder of the summer?
Don't get me wrong, this was probably one of the most fun summers ever, I spent time in Bloomington, San Francisco, Hawaii -let me say that one again Hawaii!!, England and Bloomington again. I got to spend time with some of my closest friends and I am forever thankful for this past summer :)................ apart from that slight fracture of my ankle - not so fun!
So before my trip to England, we had a week to fit in some time to meet with a fertility doctor in Green Bay. We were given a plan of action for getting pregnant, upon my return from England. We would schedule a time to learn how to do the hormones etc to be ready for Egg retrieval and implantation sometime in October 2012. According to the doctors we would hopefully be pregnant on the first go, meaning all the testing (and yes, there was an amazing amount of testing) were giving the indication that we just needed a little help from outside sources (how romantic)!
Anyway, I got back from England, and it was crazy time, my good friend Louise was coming to visit and I wanted the house to look decent for her . Jesse and I were racing in a triathlon................ except I was just swimming (see fractured ankle comment above) and then I was heading back down to bloomington with Louise for the second week of August. See what I mean about not having 5 minutes.
So back to the plan, I would get back from Bloomington, head straight to Minnesota for a wedding (oh yes, in addition to all the crazy - I managed to find time to second shoot weddings) and then we would schedule the appointment for learning how to do the hormone injections! Phew! It just so happened to coincide with the beginning of the semester for me!........... hmmmmm.
Bloomington was fun, I got to see and reconnect with good friends and my close friend Liz came to visit for the night with her husband, we went out for some drinks (which is very rare for me, because I don't really drink often), but we were having fun - and I jokingly asked her if she was preggers? Ha! - not even thinking about me.............. because in my head, we were doing egg retrieval and implantation in October and that time could not come fast enough.
Anyway, I got back from Bloomington and headed straight out to Minnesota for a wedding. This is where it gets really crazy! The photography crew ended up crashing in the suite of the bridesmaids. Which meant for late nights and meeting some interesting people! Then two other girls showed up who were the ushers, and one of them was pregnant (5 months), I started chatting with her and then she told everyone the story about how she found out! It was a funny story, that I won't retell, but the whole time she is telling the story I started to have an 'ah ha' moment and then an 'oh no' moment. Eek - I was here to shoot a wedding and I needed to focus!
So.............. I ignored my two little moments and focused on the bride and groom . In the car the next day when we were driving home, all I kept thinking was 'I really need to pee'.............. I must have had Adam stop that car 4 or 5 times. I told Jesse how I was feeling when I got home, and his response was essentially - your period is coming, you have been so irritable. Thanks Jesse! and to all the men out there - even if you are thinking that - NEVER say it - you have no idea how this makes us feel.
Anyway, finally the next day after reading up on all the symptoms I admitted to myself that yes I was in fact pregnant, I just needed confirmation, so I bought a pregnancy test and lets just say all I needed was to touch the thing and the lines showed up positive! It was instant - none of this waiting for two minutes.....................
Excited much - well Jesse yes - me shocked and excited. Shocked, because we were told the chances of it happening without help were VERY slim! So I wasn't really prepared, I had done things I probably wouldn't have done had I thought we would have had a chance, I guess that time after England when Jesse insisted I stand on my head really did work - its not an old wives tale!!! ha ha - just kidding, it wasn't that extreme.
So August 24th, was when we found out we were about to add a little one to our household!